Sunday, April 13, 2008

New Birth Film

What if there was no fear of childbirth? What if there was only joy, anticipation and positive expectation?

The second of three birth films for 2008 will be unveiled is called "Orgasmic Birth". Featuring Christiane Northrup MD, Marsden Wagner MD, Ina May Gaskin MA CPM, Maureen Corry MPH, Robbie Davis-Floyd PhD, and Sarah Buckley MD, this film is the "baby" of Debra Pascali-Bonaro. Debra (Director/Producer) is an internationally renowned childbirth expert, 26-year speaker in childbirth education, and a Lamaze-certified veteran in maternity care with a passion for birth. She is also the mother of three sons and two stepchildren; her three sons were delivered naturally.

I have known Debra for many years, having worked with her on several Boards of Directors of various birthing organizations. Debra brings her zeal and dedication to the screen, showcasing the normalcy of birth and the evidence based information to back up this normalcy!

Debra will premiere her documentary film Orgasmic Birth on May 12th at the World Respected Childbirth Week conference in Prague, Czech Republic, followed by a May 16th feature segment on ABC-TV’s “20/20.”

I am happy to be helping Debra with some of the PR surrounding her film. To learn more, go to To schedule a screening in your community and receive the comprehensive screening host packet, email

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