Monday, August 11, 2008

No Surprise: How The Media Continues to Look At McConaughey & Childbirth

Well it was no surprise today when the media even took a stab at normal-media-darling Matthew McConaughey when he was talking about he and his partner's recent childbirth experience.

McConaughey and partner plan to plant the placenta ~ a tradition, I might add, of many in this world. Additionally, McConaughey also mentioned he kept time with the contractions by drumming, again another tradition of many in this world.

Too bad the media didn't realize that some have a world view of topics including childbirth. The media is always so considerate of multi-cultural views on topics - apparently only topics THEY want to be multi-cultural about! If a real person(s) such as McConaughey and Camilla want to explore their inner instincts, set a more relaxed mood in childbirth and in the process be a little multi-cultural, it is to the verbal guillotine for them!

To the great surprise of the media, women in the US or even the world are NOT lining up like cattle for elective cesareans. An increasing number of women are seeking out a more gentle birth experience - many are also seeking out alternative or natural childbirth.

Odd isn't it that natural childbirth is considered the alternative and interventive childbirth is considered the tradition. Go figure.

1 comment:

Faerylandmom said...

So refreshing to know that I'm not the only one bothered by all's one reason I don't follow news anymore. Too much of a pain!