What do you want to be when you grow up? A doula, a childbirth educator, a midwife, a birth journalist, a researcher, a speaker at birth conferences?
No matter what route you choose in this exciting and ever-changing profession, you will have to get your name out there. Here are five quick ways to get your name out there even if you are on a budget:
1. Make a plan of “attack”. Identify what type of “advertising” you will do and where it will go. From business cards to print ads in magazines, make a plan!
2. Business cards are a great and inexpensive way to introduce someone to your business, services &/or products. The ease of designing your own has increased exponentially in the last few years with companies such as Vista Print. For my printing needs, they are my new best friend. With easy online templates, I can create a colorful business card or postcard in no time! And since they have a “second side” option, you can add more info to this little marketing gem.
3. Your vehicle is exposed to hundreds of thousands of individuals each year. Why not market to them? If the budget allows, try vanity license plates, car magnets (see Vista Print again!), or window decals. Because the exposure in a vehicle is brief, marketing this way should also be brief and catchy! Resist bumper stickers with fine print and long messages.
4. Complete the Social Media Circle of website-blog-Facebook-Twitter. All of these have the potential of being free to begin, even websites. But linking them together in a highly interactive format is the key!
5. Be recognizable ~ frequently. I recently was at a meeting and another birth professional walked in and said, “I didn’t know if you were going to be here but then I saw your car in the parking lot. I saw ‘birthsource’ and knew you were here.” I have both my logo on a window decal on my car plus my license plate says BRTHSRC.
Need more marketing tips? Read Creating & Marketing Your Birth Related Business!
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