Friday, June 14, 2013

Skin to Skin: Another Evidence-based Best Practice Ignored by Too Many

What if there was a procedure that increased exclusive breastfeeding duration, maintained infant temperature in the neutral thermal range, maintained infant blood glucose, reduced infant crying and promoted optimal maternal behaviors, plus positively affects infant self-regulation and dyadic mutuality? 

And what if this procedure took no more time or effort or FTEs for hospital staff but increased patient satisfaction? 

And what if this procedure had NO negative side effects? 

What if UNICEF, The Baby Friendly Initiative, WHO and others promote this procedure? 

And what if there was plenty of evidence based information to support this procedure? 

Wouldn’t every hospital want to implement this procedure immediately? 

Of course! But it isn’t being implemented. 

What is this procedure? Skin-to-skin contact! 

Who better to explain all of this than researcher Dr. Nils Bergman:


Dr. Bergman will be touring the US during the second half of 2013.  Go to for a growing list of his appearances!

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