Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Don't Be Afraid of the Blog! Part 3

What to post when you are not inspired!

Blogging is most easy for those who like to write.  Writers and birth researchers have a lot to say – all of the time!  With new studies literally being published daily, it would be feasible to update your blog 3-4 times a day with new material.  However feasible that is, it is just not practical.  And sometimes, writers’ block is a reality.

Writers’ block comes when you are not inspired or on fire about a certain topic.  It may come when other facets of your life take precedence.  It may come when you are highly stressed. And some days, it doesn’t have a reason to appear.

So what does a blogger do when you either don’t have time to post or have writers’ block?  Here are a few suggestions that I have used over my eight years as a blogger:

1. Find a new video and post it OR put up a treasured oldie.  Combing through YouTube is great as you can not only find videos to use in your practice but you also learn which ones NOT to refer to your clients and peers.  All a video needs is a sentence or two about why you like (or don’t like) a certain video. (See a sample video clip below).

2. Invite a guest blogger to post on your blog.  Newer bloggers want to get noticed and drive more people to their own blog.  Experienced bloggers realize this and often are happy to share exposure.

3. Schedule a blog carnival.  What is a blog carnival?  An established blogger hosts the carnival selects a topic(s) for the carnival.  Then the host puts out a call for submissions to others asking them to participate in the carnival.  If the carnival is one day, the host may only ask for small submissions in order to put them together.  If the carnival is a week or perhaps a month, the host will be posting each day of the week or month.  The guest can publicize his/her blog and thus drive more people to the guest’s.  A carnival also calls attention to the host’s blog.  To maintain the integrity of the host blog, the host will need to proofread the guest blog entries for grammar, punctuation and, in the case of birth professionals, evidence-based information.

4. Post a meme, photo, or cartoon.  You can make memes on sites such as  These can be funny, true or funny and true.  Hosts avoid aggressive or
New Product Reviews
snarky memes as that may detract from the audience.  If you post a photo or cartoon that originally was not your own, you will need a photo release or permission to reprint on file.

5. Information about a book, video or new product.  Often you will see a video, read a book or use a new product and can’t wait to share it with your peers.  Your blog is the perfect place to showcase your finds!  Book reviews and video reviews help others select what is right for them as long as they trust your opinion.  Remember that any type of review is your opinion mixed with factual details (such as length of a video, cost of new product or publisher of a book). 

Don’t forget that whatever you post on your blog, publicize it on your website, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or other social media.  Having a social media circle of promotion can be key to your success as a blogger!

Sample video clip from Mothers Advocate (

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