a 1995 study, Hallgren et al sited that fear seemed to block acquisition of new
knowledge. However, when women embraced
education with evidence-based information, childbirth became a good or better
experience than they expected. This
makes early and evidence-based childbirth education the key to more positive birth
outcome perceptions. Women need the
information that we have.
place of birth seems to also have an impact on positive birth outcome
perceptions. Overgaard found (as many
researchers have) that women have better psychosocial outcomes in freestanding
midwifery units (FMU) than in traditional obstetrical units (OU). Truly individualized care, including the
woman’s need for information and
being listened to during the birth process showed major significance in outcome
is through education that women find out the myriad of choices that they do
have. And this might very well
contribute to fear – fear of making a decision and fear of making the wrong
decision. The medical model of care is
quite prevalent in our society and the feeling that the care provider knows
best is a recurring theme. While this
theme is not inaccurate in each situation, parents may find that care providers
have not been informed regarding the latest evidence/research. They may be practice as they learned, or as
they have traditionally practiced all of the years they have been in practice.
vintage childbirth education film, Nan’s Class, makes a strong point that
pregnancy is not a condition of illness – it is a condition of health. Therefore, when women do take childbirth
education classes, it is not always about seeking a drug-free or
non-interventive birth. Researchers do
find that women describe how childbirth education classes strengthen their
relationships with their husbands/partners, increase their confidence in
themselves, and empower them to have some grounded control over a situation
(with informed decision making) that was
often perceived as out of their control.
education is one of the paths in the journey to motherhood. Outcomes of satisfaction and empowerment are
just as valid as physical outcomes, especially in childbirth. Mastery of informed decision making
techniques are also highly valued by mothers who have participated in research
regarding effectiveness of childbirth education classes.
following logic trails, if childbirth education empowers women in their birth
experiences (and later as a competent and empowered parent), enriches social
relationships, and increases their self-confidence, then childbirth education not
only provides information for the moment in time when mothers are in labor, but
this impact lasts for years in our society.
- Chadwick, R. et al. (2013) Negotiating risky bodies: childbirth and constructions of risk. Health, Risk & Society.
- Hallgren, A., et al. (1995) Women’s perceptions of childbirth and childbirth education before and after education and birth. Midwifery. 11(3): 130-7.
- Kendall-Tackett, K. (2007) The psychological impact of birth experience: an underreported source of trauma in the lives of women. Trauma Psychology Newsletter.
- http://www.kathleenkendall-tackett.com/tp_birth_exp_2007_fall.pdf
- Koehn, M. (2008) Contemporary women’s perceptions of childbirth education. Journal of Perinatal Education 17(1).
- Koehn, M. (2002) Childbirth education outcomes: an integrative review of the literature. Journal of Perinatal Education. 11(3).
- Overgaard, C., et al. (2012) The impact of birthplace on women’s birth experiences and perception of care. Social Science & Medicine.
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