Each year, Childbirth Today hosts a blog carnival during the week before Mother’s Day (May 5-12, 2014). This week has also been referred to as Childbirth Education Awareness Week and May is traditionally Doula Month.
If you would like to submit to the 2014 Childbirth Today Blog Carnival, here is the info!
A blog carnival is a themed collection of entries during a specific time period.
Guest bloggers send their 500 word (evidence-based, referenced) submission to birthguru@birthsource.com no later than April 30, 2014. The context of the submission must be childbirth (which also includes breastfeeding and the postpartum period).
Guest bloggers must provide proof of original/or permission to use photos if photos are included with the submission. Childbirth Today and Perinatal Education Associates encourages copyright protection.
Guest bloggers should also provide a 3-5 line bio of themselves, including credentials. The addition of the guest blogger’s contact information is highly encouraged, as sometimes readers would like to speak to you directly!
Guest bloggers can be from anywhere in the world. Submission is not limited to the US.
Submissions may be edited for punctuation and/or grammar.
We will use the first seven blog submissions during our Blog Carnival. Should we receive more than seven (and we have in the past!), we will continue to run the submissions until all submissions have been published.
Why would you want to submit to our Blog Carnival?
Helps you to network through social media.
Assists you in honing your writing skills.
Establishes you as a birth authority and birth blogger!
Promotes your birth-related business!
Remember, 500 words by April 30! Now…..get writing!
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