Supporting a Physiologic Approach to
Pregnancy and Birth: A Practical Guide
Edited by Melissa D. Avery
Paperback $49.99
E-Book $39.99 (Amazon, iBooks,
Barnes & Noble)
360 pages
June 2013,
If you need a guidebook or step-by-step guide for transforming any
practice to a more more
physiologic approach, this is the first book you need
to read. Supporting a
Physiologic Approach to Pregnancy and Birth: A Practical Guide provides an overview
of current evidence and a range of practical suggestions to promote physiologic
birth within the United States healthcare system. Presenting the latest evidence
available on practical approaches and minimal interventions, this book looks
into clinic exam rooms and hospital labor units to investigate the
possibilities for improving the pregnancy and labor experience. Various contributors
discuss recent research and other published information and present a range of
ideas, tools, and solutions for maternity care clinicians, including midwives,
nurses, physicians, and other members of the perinatal team.
Topics include interventions for labor and
birth, continuous labor support, relaxation and touch therapy for labor, water
immersion and water birth, and aromatherapy.
Section 3 provides an organizational approach to supporting physiologic
pregnancy and birth which would be beneficial to physician office practices,
hospitals, or any health care collaborative.
This section describes changing hospital policy and working
quality/maternity care measures.
Supporting a Physiologic Approach to Pregnancy and Birth: A Practical Guide is definitely a book that any
maternal/child health professional should have on hand.
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